Novedades bibliográficasJean Sibelius: Life, Music, Silence

La editorial londinense Reaktion Books ha publicado Jean Sibelius: Life, Music, Silence de Daniel M. Grimley, profesor de Oxford University y editor de The Cambridge Companion to Sibelius (2004) y Jean Sibelius and His World (2011). Jean : Life, Music, Silence es un volumen de 248 páginas y 39 ilustraciones (ISBN 9781789144659) en formato hardback y un precio recomendado de 30,49 €.
Timo Vintaner, director de la edición crítica de la obra completa de Sibelius considera que
Jean Sibelius: Life, Music, Silence de Daniel Grimley es un volumen conciso, equilibrado y de fácil lectura que combina un excelente estudio biográfico con una sección transversal histórico-cultural sobre temas de actualidad en la literatura, como el debate sobre la orientación política de Sibelius. Extendiendo el examen más allá del repertorio estándar de Sibelius, la perspectiva del autor sobre la música del compositor es fresca y original.
Reproducimos a continuación la descripción del volumen facilitada por Reaktion Books
Few composers have enjoyed such critical acclaim – or longevity – as Jean Sibelius, who died in 1957 aged 91. Always more than simply a Finnish national figure, an ‘apparition from the woods’ as he ironically described himself, Sibelius’s life spanned turbulent and tumultuous events, and his work is central to the story of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century music. This book situates Sibelius within a rich interdisciplinary environment, paying attention to his relationship with architecture, literature, politics and the visual arts. Drawing on the latest developments in Sibelius research, it is intended as an accessible and rewarding introduction for the general reader, and also offers a fresh and provocative interpretation for those more familiar with his music.