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The Way of the Moderns

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2023
The Way of the Moderns © 2022 by Brepols The Way of the Moderns © 2022 by Brepols

La editorial Brepols ha publicado The Way of the Moderns. Six Perspectives on Modernism in Music* editado por Antoni Pizà, director de la Foundation for Iberian Music, donde ha organizado decenas de eventos, entre conferencias, charlas y conciertos. La Fundación es un proyecto del Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation at CUNY Graduate Center. Pizà autor de muchos libros y artículos, también ha enseñado durante más de veinticinco años en CUNY y ha curado entre 2012 y 2016 la serie de conferencias en la que se basa The Way of the Moderns

The Way of the Moderns. Six Perspectives on Modernism in Music es el primer volumen de la nueva serie Acta Brookiana de Brepols dirigida por Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie y Zdravko Blazekovic. Esta es la descripción del volumen proporcionada por la editorial:

Exploring the concept of musical modernism from many different perspectives―including the audience’s often initial rejection; the dominance of popular genres; the blurring of musical genres and categories; the alleged incapacity of modernism to express feelings and its intellectual aloofness; the struggle for an audience in times of a distracting attention economy; the transition from modernist to postmodernist aesthetics; the multicultural and collaborative aspects of many recent musical creations; and the need for questioning the ethics of musical works―they present a non-systematic and yet insightful assessment of some of the crucial issues around contemporary music. 
The texts address the changing consumption, creation, contexts, and valuations of today’s concert music and, at the same time, highlight the agency of its practitioners―composers, performers, scholars, critics, and the audience―who pursue “the way of the moderns.”

Índice de The Way of the Moderns. Six Perspectives on Modernism in Music


List of Figures

Antoni Pizà, Introduction: Modernism, A Permanent Achievement.

Act I: The Challenges of Modernistic Music.

Charles RosenA Conversation with Daniel J. Wakin. Audience Q&A

Act II: We Are What We Hear

Paul GriffithsA Conversation with Jeffrey Milarsky 

Entr’Acte I: The Creative Pulse of Collaborative Aesthetics

Philip Glass and Claire Chase, Audience Q&A

Act III: Walking Among Noise: Tonality, Atonality, and Where We Go from Here

Roger Scruton, A Conversation with Greil Marcus. Audience Q&A

Entr’acte II: Strings Attached

David Harrington and Brook Gladstone, Audience Q&A

Act IV: The Many Dangers of Music

Richard Taruskin, A Conversation with Scott Burnham. Audience Q&A



Antoni Pizà (ed.), «The Way of the Moderns. Six Perspectives on Modernism in Music», Turnhout, Belgique: Brepols Publishers, 2022, 172 pages, 16 b/w Illustrations. ISBN: 978-2-503-59773-7 Hardback € 80,00

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