Novedades bibliográficasMusic and the Making of Portugal and Spain

University of Illinois Press anuncia la publicación, en otoño de 2023, del libro Music and the Making of Portugal and Spain. Nationalism and Identity Politics in the Iberian Peninsula, coordinado por Matthew Machin-Autenrieth (University of Aberdeen), Salwa el-Shawan Castelo-Branco (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), y Samuel University of Manchester ().
Music and the Making of Portugal and Spain compila artículos originales e inéditos de , Vera , Salwa Castelo-Branco, Cristina Sánchez- , José Hugo , Paulo , , Héctor , Diego , Leonor , , Eva Rodríguez, Pedro Moreira, Cristina Roldán, e Igor Zubillaga.
Music and the Making of Portugal and Spain. Nationalism and Identity Politics in the Iberian Peninsula
University of Illinois Press ofrece un descuento del 30% para las compras realizadas en su web usando el código F23UIP. Reproducimos a continuación la nota de presentación remitida por la editorial:
What does music in Portugal and Spain reveal about the relationship between national and regional identity building? How do various actors use music to advance nationalism? How have state and international heritage regimes contributed to nationalist and regionalist projects?
In this collection, contributors explore these and other essential questions from a range of interdisciplinary vantage points. The essays pay particular attention to the role played by the state in deciding what music represents Portuguese or Spanish identity.
Case studies examine many aspects of the issue, including local recording networks, so-called national style in popular music, and music’s role in both political protest and heritage regimes.
Topics include the ways the Salazar and Franco regimes adapted music to align with their ideological agendas; the twenty-first-century impact of UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage program on some of Portugal and Spain's expressive practices; and the tensions that arise between institutions and community in creating and recreating meanings and identity around music.
Matthew Machin-Autenrieth, Salwa el-Shawan Castelo-Branco, and Samuel Llano (ed.), «Music and the Making of Portugal and Spain. Nationalism and Identity Politics in the Iberian Peninsula», Champaign, IL, University of Illinois Press, 2023, 312 pages, 8 black & white photographs. ISBN 978-0252087448. Hardback 118,66€, Paperback 30,14€, eBook, $19.95