What made the evening baffling is that the staging -directed by Franziska Kronfoth and Julia Lwowski- was clearly the product of considerable technical skill
Director Tobias Kratzer used the stated setting of 'Arabella' as his starting point, and the first act unfolded against the backdrop of a meticulously recreated Viennese hotel.The only intrusion of the modern world was a camera crew of three so inobtrusive that they could not possibly have belonged to the same reality as the action
La Temporada 2018-2019 de la Ópera Metropolitana (The Metropolitan Opera) de Nueva York se compondrá de veintinueve óperas en 27 espectáculos, en razón a que Iolanta compartirá cartel con el Castillo de Barbazul y se ofrecerán los tres episodios de Il Trittico de Puccini.