What made the evening baffling is that the staging -directed by Franziska Kronfoth and Julia Lwowski- was clearly the product of considerable technical skill
The Meistersinger's staging of Jossi Wieler, Anna Viebrock and Sergio Morabito had numerous great ideas and a few terrible ones;it conjured a convincing world and populated it with well-realised characters, then allowed entire scenes to fall flat.
La Temporada 2019-2020 de la Ópera Metropolitana (The Metropolitan Opera) de Nueva York, que se presentó el pasado 20 de febrero, se compondrá de veinticinco óperas.Cinco títulos se presentarán en nuevas producciones escénicas, y dos se ofrecerán en carácter de estreno para la sala del Lincoln Center: Akhnaten de Philip Glass y Agrippina de Händel.
Mr Tandberg’s last production for the Deutsche Oper, a fish-fixated take on Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, demonstrated a knack for quirky imagery and uncomfortable brutality, often so close as to be inseparable.
The 2017 national radio broadcast series of San Francisco Opera performances on the WFMT Radio Network begins on Saturday, September 2 with a 1979 archival broadcast of Amilcare Ponchielli’s La Gioconda.
Santa Fe Opera.Mozart: La Finta Giardiniera.Tim Albery, director.Cast: Heidi Stober (Sandrina), Susanna Phillips (Arminda), Laura Tatulescu (Serpetta), Cecelia Hall (Ramiro), Joel Prieto (Count Belfiore), William Burden (Podestà), and Joshua Hopkins (Nardo).
Fue anunciada la Temporada 2014-2015 del Metropolitan Opera de Nueva York por parte del gerente general, Peter Gelb, y del director musical, James Levine.La misma se iniciará el 22 de septiembre de 2014 con una nueva producción escénica de Las Bodas de Fígaro de Mozart, confiada a Richard Eyre y con la batuta de Levine.
San Francisco Opera House.George Frederick Handel, Serse.Nicholas Hytner, original production.Michael Welling, stage director.David Fielding, production designer.Paul Pyant, lighting designer.Susan Graham (Serse), David Daniels (Arsamane), Wayne Tigges (Ariodate), Lisette Oropesa (Romilda), Heidi Stober (Atalanta), Sonia Prina (Amastre), Michael Sumuel (Elviro).