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The Haydn Economy: Music, Aesthetics, and Commerce in the Late Eighteenth Century

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2024
The Haydn Economy © 2022 by Chicago University Press The Haydn Economy © 2022 by Chicago University Press

The University of Chicago Press anuncia la publicación en formato e-book y a precio económico del libro The Haydn Economy: Music, Aesthetics, and Commerce in the Late Eighteenth Century (2022) de Nicholas Mathew, profesor de música de la University of California, Berkeley en la cual es Richard and Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Professor. 

Nicholas Mathew es autor de Political Beethoven (2013). Es el coeditor junto con James Q. Davies, de New Material Histories of Music.

Reproducimos a continuación la nota de prensa remitida por The University of Chicago University Press sobre The Haydn Economy:

Analyzing the final three decades of Haydn’s career, this book uses the composer as a prism through which to examine urgent questions across the humanities
In this far-reaching work of music history and criticism, Nicholas Mathew reimagines the world of Joseph Haydn and his contemporaries, with its catastrophic upheavals and thrilling sense of potential. 
In the process, Mathew tackles critical questions of particular moment: how we tell the history of the European Enlightenment and Romanticism; the relation of late eighteenth-century culture to incipient capitalism and European colonialism; and how the modern market and modern aesthetic values were—and remain—inextricably entwined.
The Haydn Economy weaves a vibrant material history of Haydn’s career, extending from the sphere of the ancient Esterházy court to his frenetic years as an entrepreneur plying between London and Vienna to his final decade as a venerable musical celebrity, during which he witnessed the transformation of his legacy by a new generation of students and acolytes, Beethoven foremost among them. 
Ultimately, Mathew asserts, Haydn’s historical trajectory compels us to ask what we might retain from the cultural and political practices of European modernity—whether we can extract and preserve its moral promise from its moral failures. And it demands that we confront the deep histories of capitalism that continue to shape our beliefs about music, sound, and material culture.

Índice de The Haydn Economy: Music, Aesthetics, and Commerce in the Late Eighteenth Century

  1. Ringing Coins
  2. Haydn and the City
  3. Media, Motion, Connection
  4. Commerce, Interest, Objects, Work, Value
1 Commerce
  1. Importation of Haydn
  2. Warehouse Aesthetics
  3. Mobility and Credit
  4. A Resonant World
  5. New Addresses
  6. Music before the Cliché
2 Interest
  1. Taking Note(s)
  2. Psychic Investments
  3. Disinterest and Boredom
  4. Making Musical Interest
  5. The Fate of Interest
3 Objects
  1. Little Boxes
  2. Pursuit of Objects
  3. Objects, Animals, People
  4. Haydn’s Musical Objects
  5. Surface Fantasies
4 Work
  1. Chapel Master, Chapel Servant
  2. Liberty, Work, Stress
  3. The Work of Comedy
  4. Work, Property, Works
  5. The Creation Concept
  6. The Industry Concept
  7. Working Concepts
Epilogue: Value (1808)
  1. Of Time and Fashion
  2. Romantic Infrastructures
  3. Haydn Recalled
  4. Gold Is a Mighty Thing
Works Cited

Leer la reseña de Richard Will sobre  The Haydn Economy: Music, Aesthetics, and Commerce in the Late Eighteenth Century en Eighteenth-Century Music 


Nicholas Mathew, "The Haydn Economy: Music, Aesthetics, and Commerce in the Late Eighteenth Century", Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2022, 256 pages and 49 halftones. ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0226819846 Hardcover $ 38,31 ebook $ 4.99

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