
Programa de residencias del Centro Coreográfico Canal en Madrid: seleccionados

Teatros del Canal © Comunidad de Madrid
La Comunidad de Madrid ha becado 30 proyectos de creadores y compañías con el programa de residencias artísticas del Centro Coreográfico Canal en Madrid.En esta XVII edición se han presentado 369 candidaturas entre las modalidades de creación y de investigación.

Two Tributes

Das Gehege, described as a ‘night scene’ for soprano and orchestra, was written initially for the stage, and while its most obvious precursor is Schönberg’s Erwartung, its intoxicating mixture of sensuality and violence has arguably more in common with the final scene of Strauss’ Salome
Estados Unidos

Santa Fe Opera 2: Victorian Delights

Barlow, Don Giovanni © 2024 by Curtis Brown / Santa Fe Opera
Don Giovanni himself, with his top hat and black cloak, cut an undeniably sinister figure and, for a brief moment at the beginning, one wondered if the Victorian trappings of the sets were going to be used to take the story in a Jack the Ripper direction
Estados Unidos

Santa Fe Opera 1: The Balancing Act

Ravella, Rosenkavalier © 2024 by Curtis Brown /Ravella,  Santa Fe Opera
The new production at Santa Fe Opera, directed by Bruno Ravella, managed to capture much of the opera’s fine emotional balance, but was perhaps even more notable for the quality of its musical performances, especially the Marschallin of Rachel Willis-Sørensen and the taut musical direction of Karina Canellakis

Bottomless self-indulgence

Kronfoth and Lwowski, Nixon in China © 2024 by Thomas Aurin
What made the evening baffling is that the staging -directed by Franziska Kronfoth and Julia Lwowski- was clearly the product of considerable technical skill

A Strauss Fixation

Kratzer, Intermezzo © 2024 by Monika Rittershaus
Tobias Kratzer’s new production at the Deutsche Oper Berlin did little to dispel the unpleasantness behind Intermezzo’s ostensible comedy

Ha fallecido el director Robert Lyall

Robert Lyall © 2018 by NOMA
Actualmente Robert Lyall era Director General y Director Artístico Emérito de la Ópera de Nueva Orleans, donde fue director principal durante 23 temporadas seguidas entre 1998 y 2021

Shifting Symmetries, un desafío técnico del Wiener Staatsballett

Shifting Symmetries © 2023 by Florian Moshammer
Bajo el título de Shifting Symmetries (Simetrías cambiantes), el Wiener Staatsballett (Ballet Estatal de Viena), que dirige el prestigioso coreógrafo Martin Schläpfer, estrenará el próximo 23 de diciembre una nueva velada con sendas obras maestras de Hans van Manen, Forsythe y George Balanchine.

Musikfest 4: Landscape Studies

Vladimir Jurowski in Berlin © Monika Karczmarczyk, 2019
Mr Jurowski’s ability to highlight the Alpensinfonie’s instrumental depictions without overstating them allowed one to appreciate just how successfully Strauss had been able to integrate his pictorial evocations into a clear, cohesive structure.

A House Divided

Loy, Francesca da Rimini © 2023 by Monika Rittershaus
Between Christof Loy’s unsettling staging and a captivating performance of the title role from Sara Jakubiak, the evening provided an ideal introduction to Zandonai's Francesca da Rimini, a work of challenging intensity